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The Wailea Town Center
161 Wailea Ike PLACE B110
Wailea HI 96753
If you GPS the address, it will say you arrived as soon as you pull into the Town Center...but you aren’t there yet.
You will see the sign for Wailea Town Center on your right and a roundabout with a small tree in the center of it directly in front of you. Take a left and then an immediate 2 rights. This will bring you all the way to the back parking lot. You will see my logo on the window and name on the door B-110. You can’t miss it from there.
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-10pm
Wednesday: 9am-10pm
Thursday: 9am-10pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: 12pm-8pm